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This is a small town, family run operation to better the world of Dirt Track Racing in the state of North Dakota for the common men and women of this great state.

Myles, Samantha, And Mike Tomlinson

Myles and Samantha Tomlinson are the sole owners of the W.R.S.S. in collaboration with Ron Bernhagen and Caley Emerson. The Tomlinson's are in search of creating a sustainable, family friendly environment for all racers. Anyone can build a WRSS sprint car as most cars are built for under 10,000 Dollars. 


Mike Tomlinson is Myles’ father and helps with all technical needs for the series. He believes like we do that the cost of racing is out of hand and that this out of the box style thinking is just what racers and race tracks need to get new blood, and retired drivers back into the sport.

The Owner/Operator: Meet the Coaches
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